More than 60 members of the Matter of Color Group went to Virginia for a week (8-15 March, 2018) as part of a unique collaboration formed with Richmond Ballet's Minds and Motion program. The program benefits fourth-grade students in 19 schools (two of which are in Israel), not only with love for dance and for the arts but above all lets them discover important life and learning skills such as discipline, dedication, creativity, self- confidence and self-awareness.
A few months ago, when the program had its culminating community performance in Israel, we were able to witness the tremendous effect it had on its participants from Beit Yitzhak and those from Qalansuwa. Language or cultural barriers diminished overnight and they all danced their hearts out as one, an accomplishment that is crucial if we want to form a better and more compassionate society.
All Matter of Color members, a total of 111 painters, donated their paintings to the program, to be presented in an exhibition and hopefully sold. On March 1018, we came to Virginia not only to attend the exhibition, but also to visit schools were the program was part of the curriculum, and hear from the students themselves what does the program mean for them. The exhibition was a huge success, with a bidding carried on the internet, culminating in the sale of all paintings and revenues directed for the project.

We went to two schools where we were warmly welcomed by the head masters, teachers and

above all, the kids themselves. We enjoyed these hours of artistic expression and the kids opened up to us asking, at the end of these sessions, if we could come again the next day.
We saw them performing and dancing and were deeply touched by them, moving in accordance with the music so beautifully. The words of one participant, a ten years old boy, sum up the program's importance and its life changing effect. When asked if he wants to be a professional dancer when he grows up, he answered:" I don't know yet but one thing is certain- I will be a better person because of this program."
Credit for the matchmaking between the Matter of Color Group and Richmond Ballet's Minds in Motion Program, should be given to Thomas smith of Binns Williamsburg and Eli Shaharabany, who conceived the collaboration between these two groups and carried it out, together with Bruria Hassner, founder and curator of the Israeli group of artists.

During our stay we met with many inspiring and devoted people: Governor's wife, a group of committed members of the Richmond Ballet including Stoner Winslet, Artistic Director, Brett D. Bonda, Managing Director of the ballet, Cat Studdart program's director and a long line of dancers, teachers and musicians, all part of the program, three impressive and inspiring delegates from Virginia's House of Delegates- Eileen Filler- Corn, Delores L. McQuinn and Dawn M. Adams, who shared with us their vision, as well as kind and art loving people from the JCC. Each meeting strengthened our understanding how important was the step we have taken.
We are back to Israel but the words of the fourth -grade kid and the words of many others who spoke about the program in the most eloquent manner, confident and sure of themselves, are forever engraved in our minds and hearts.
Minds in Motion truly makes a change in the world and we are proud to be part of it. Our only wish is to widen the number of its participants and let more fourth grade students, in the USA and in Israel, be part of this inspirational endeavor.
wonderful to read such a comprehensive summary! Thanx!