Artistic Education:

1990 - Sculpturing Center, Judy Waller Artist Workshop, New York, USA
1991 - 1994 - Mark Meller Artist Workshop, Savion, Israel
1994 - 1996 - Stone Sculpture and Casting, Drora Ben Dori Artist Workshop, Kfar Saba, Israel
2002 - Current - Bruria Hassner Artist Workshop, Israel
2003 - Painting and Sculpturing, Community Center of Savion, Israel
Solo Exhibitions:
1997 - Mishkan HaOmanim,(Artists Center) Herzliya, Israel
2005 - Beit Sharet Gallery, Givatayim, Israel
2017 - Migdal Gan Ha'ir (City Garden Tower), Tel Aviv, Israel
Group Exhibitions:
2002 - 2009 - Annual exhibitions, Beit Sharet Gallery, Givatayim, Israel
2012 - "Matter of Color", Afeka College, Tel-Aviv
2012 - "Matter of Color" Russe State Gallery, Bulgaria
2013 - "The World is a Stage", Habima Theater, Tel Aviv, Israel
2014 - "Matter of Color", Jade Gallery, Shanghai, China
2010 - Current - "Matter of Color", Jaffa, Israel